To develop free workshops for the Supporting Movement Spaces and Community Responses to Mental Health workstreams, we’re asking racialised people volunteering/working in user-led peer groups or campaigning capacities to fill out this survey

Using feedback from focus groups and consultations, we have a a smorgasbord of options falling under the below headings…

Please respond to the survey and indicate how helpful, or not, you would find these workshops/events. We appreciate honesty, as we only want to provide things that our Synergi community would find useful! We’d also really appreciate if you shared the survey with your communities too, the more responses we have, the better our programming will be 🙂

Follow the link to fill it in. Thanks in advance.

Accessibility: if you would like support to fill in the form or to give feedback verbally, please do email us at or call us on 02078208982